Tag Archives: spring flowers

Flowers & cats: what’s in your self-care kit?

part of my self-care kit

Is going for walks

Sometimes without my phone

& sometimes with – then I can capture images to add to my kit


Spring, for most of my life, has been a challenging time


Hello, Crocus!

But going for walks in it, & noticing the small changes is helpful


I’m always grateful for a slow-coming spring

As it has been this year


Please say hello to Scilla siberica


It is not native to Siberia

But to Southwestern Russia, the Caucasus, & Turkey

Blue flowers are some of my favorites.


Cats, too, (especially Shoofins) are part of my kit.

Here is Sophie being Small.


& here is Izzy making a beeline for my oatmeal 


(Successful cat trapping by Jenny)


And then there are stripes.

What is it about stripes?

I do love finding stripes in the natural world


As well as unique messages…


Blessings on the simple things


May you find beauty & joy in the small things on this very Spring day

May you come to know what stirs a sense of kindness in you


Wishing you in touch with your sense of wonder.