Tag Archives: old car

Making do, whatever works, wondering about what could be.

I will admit
I felt a mix of excitement and joy and pride when the odometer in my car passed 200,000 miles.

Thank you Honda.

13 years ago I had the money to buy a car, and needed one for work, and so I chose a Honda Civic because I heard that they could run for 250,000 miles.
I’ve been trying to keep it tidy these days, even vacuumed it out.

It’s got, um, character.

Take, for instance, the ceiling…

Which began to separate – the fabric, that is, from the ceiling back in 2004 while living in the extremely dry desert.
Which would have cost $500 to repair.

So instead, I used craft glue.

And duct tape and push pins.

It kept the fabric up to the ceiling, and not drooping down onto my head, flapping in the wind when the windows are rolled down.

Until just recently…

So out came the craft glue and push pins.

A day to dry in place, and voila!

Whatever works.

This, about my car, is silly little thing to share.


What is on my mind these days is wondering about what is needed…
What is needed in this United States world for African-American young men to feel welcome here in their own country.
What needs to happen for this?
What would the world feel like, look like?
A sense of welcome, the promise of possibility, the space for a soul’s potential…

Sometimes, I wonder if their current experience might be similar to how it was for Jews back in pre-WW2 Europe.

The truth is, I don’t know.
I have no idea.
I’m just trying to feel into it
Trying to hold some space for wondering what could be possible
To help bridge connections.


These photos were taken yesterday
In town, on the sidewalk.

Much gratitude for whoever took the time to write these.
For sharing kindness.
