Tag Archives: tending

Tending a garden – Late Summer 2014

I really enjoy tending and keeping a vegetable garden.

I’m fortunate to be given a few beds at the place where I farmed back in 2009.
The owners put in a cover crop of buckwheat
which is covered in blossoms ( & therefore honeybees) in the above photo
The hum of the bees & the now constant cricket song are a soothing sound to work by

It’s a lovely place
And while it’s often difficult for me to motivate myself to drive there
(“Jeez I’m using gas again, using the car again, I just got home from work, what if it’s too hot, etcetcetc…)
I never regret going, once I’m there
(Why do I forget this?!?)
It’s tricky for me to find a balance between effort and doing, and impact & nourishment…

Yesterday it was sunny & warm, but not too hot, thankfully
And so I set about weeding the many weeds which are growing quite well with all the rain we’ve had this season
But it’s good soil, and some of the intended, cultivated flowers & vegetables have also thrived


Coreopsis for dye & cut flowers

Strawflower for offerings

And one of the Blue Hubbards has sized up nicely (and has not been munched out by slugs)

Beets & carrots, two varieties each, are doing well
Had a taste test of the carrots with some friends last night
That was fun

Sunflowers for the spirit, bee food, seed, and dye

I love harvesting carrots, because the tops I give to the sheep
O I love the sheep
They are so sweet


It makes sense to me, keeping sheep…
The eat the weeds, they provide poop for a robust compost pile, and wool, and even meat or milk if one wanted.
I enjoy their company, their gentleness.

One day, still, I hope to have my own garden nearby where I live
Just outside, a short walk away.
Till then, I’ll continue to drive to the garden
Tending it is good medicine
And feeds me in many ways, and other beings too.
May I never learn how to garden for one.
